Other than crafting and trying not to lose my mind from raising a very strong-willed two-year-old I also happen to really like music. I've been singing for as long as I can remember and it used to be a part of who I was. I started playing the guitar about 8 years ago and although it's enough to accompany me in a song, I'm not really that good. On Facebook I've had a lot of people request I start recording and posting some songs. I finally mustered enough courage yesterday to do just that. I got a great response from that and people are actually wanting me to do more! I figured I would see if my bloggy friends would also give me their opinion! I have to be somewhat quiet when I record or I'll wake up the sleeping banshee. It does nothing for my videos to have a little blonde haired hellion (probably naked) to run around and try with all her might to get into the video and "help" me play the guitar. So here it is, enjoy (I hope, lol).